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Montréal Sport Summit

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Sport at the heart of Montreal's identity

The Montréal 2023 Sports Summit is a must-attend event for the Québec and Montréal sports community.

For the 4th edition of the Sommet du sport, the theme of sport at the heart of Montreal's identity will be addressed.

Also co-chairing the event were Caroline Bourgeois, Executive Committee Vice-President responsible for major parks, Mount Royal and sports, and Danièle Sauvageau, President of the Conseil du sport de Montréal.

Through the organization of panels, conferences and workshops, players in the Montreal sports scene will be able to address the various themes that affect their day-to-day issues.

Topics discussed at the Montréal Sport Summit

The themes

  • Accessibility and inclusion in sport
  • Sports development
  • Sports events
  • Safe and healthy sport
  • Top-level sport and the path to top-level sport
  • Positioning the sport

The Montreal Sport Summit program

To discover the program for Monday May 29 and Tuesday May 30, click here!

Masters of ceremony: Émilie Duquette and Jean Allard


Don't miss your chance to take part in the Sommet du sport à Montréal!
You'll have the chance to attend inspiring conferences and discuss current and future issues in Montreal sport.

Join the metropolitan sports community for an unforgettable experience!

Take advantage of our special rates until May 1st!

Transferable tickets


Tickets are transferable within your organization should you wish to split your Summit attendance between Monday and Tuesday.

Morning presentations on Tuesday, May 30

More information

In the form of short presentations on stage and a parallel discussion period, students, researchers and organizations will be invited to present their subjects to the participants present at the flagship event for the sports community on the island of Montreal. Presentations will take place on Tuesday, May 30, between 8am and 9.15am.

Would you like to give a presentation as part of our morning sessions?

Submit your expression of interest by Monday May 15.

Partners of the Sommet du sport de Montréal

Debuts May 29, 2023 | 08:30 a.m.
End May 30, 2023 | 5:00 p.m.
Price $75 à $250
Conseil du sport de Montréal


Complexe sportif Claude-Robillard

1000, Émile-Journault Avenue, Montreal, Quebec, H2M 2E7, Canada